Delaware Valley Ramps

We are again offering Ramps U-Pick. At Ramps U-Pick you can gain the experience of picking your own ramps in our sustainably managed forest ramp patches on the beautiful Delaware River. Tools and training will be provided as well as tastes of ramp dishes we prepare and recipes for your use. You can take home up to 3 lbs of ramps per person to enjoy in your own culinary creations. Limited dates are available beginning in April and extending through the end of the ramp season, around mid-May. Reserve your time now via Eventbrite for Ramps U-Pick

Ramps through the leavesRamps (Wild Leeks) are one of the earliest wild edible plants of Spring. Highly prized by discerning eaters, fine chefs and locavores, Ramps can be used in place of garlic, onions or leeks in almost any recipe.

Favorite recipes include pickled ramps, ramp pesto pasta, ramp vichyssoise and simple grilled ramps.

We manage acres of accessible fields of ramps and harvest, distribute and deliver ramps across the Northeast to wholesalers and fine restaurants.

Ramps are typically available from early April through May. Early in the season we harvest the younger more delicate ramps whose leaves and bulbs can be used in salads. Later in the season we harvest the more mature ramps whose large bulbs and leaves can be used in a variety of recipes.

Ramps are available for sale as available at the market price. To place an order or inquire as to current availability, or if you have any questions about ramps and desire additional information please feel free to us directly at:

Visit the Delaware Valley Ramps Facebook page for additional info, photos and recipes.

Delaware River